July 13, 2022 3:50 a.m.

Umpqua Community College has been awarded a $40,000 grant from the American Association of Community Colleges, Dell Technologies and Intel, as part of the Artificial Intelligence Incubator Network Initiative.

A release said the funds will go towards building an AI incubator on a virtual platform for greater access to AI computing power, tools and resources, aiming to foster the skills needed for future jobs. A total of fifteen colleges nationwide were selected based on criteria determined by AACC, Dell Technologies and Intel.

The release said at UCC the 100 percent online courses will include live-remote instruction and offer hands-on experience activities with take-home AI hardware kits. Students will have the opportunity to meet and create a virtual community in which they can work and study together as a cohort.

John Blackwood, associate professor of computer science said, “I am excited to see our rural community get ahead of the technology curve by creating our own AI degree, and help students earn the skills needed to fill in-demand jobs.”. Blackwood said, “I really see this as an opportunity to mitigate job loss and create local, high-wage job opportunities in Douglas County”.

In addition to receiving the grant, UCC has also joined the AI Incubator Network to connect with community colleges across the nation on strategic economic development opportunities, participate in discussions about learning pathways, strategize on student engagement in AI programs, and gather best practices from each other and industry leaders.

For more information about the program, go to: