June 6, 2022 3:10 a.m.

Zumba in the Park is returning to Stewart Park this summer.

Sessions will be held Wednesday evenings from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. thanks to the YMCA of Douglas County and the Roseburg Parks and Recreation Department.

Workouts include low and high intensity moves in interval-style, family friendly dance fitness parties through August 24th.

Parks and Recreation Program Manager Val Ligon said, “This class is a great opportunity to get outdoors, get a great workout and enjoy our parks all at the same time”.

A YMCA instructor will teach the high-energy cardio dance classes to upbeat music. The sessions are held in the grass just west of the large pavilion in the park. No registration is need. Those attending should arrive a few minutes early to sign in. Wear comfortable workout clothing and bring water.

For more information call Parks and Recreation at 492-6899.