June 2, 2022 3:00 a.m.
The State continues paying out on Oregon Emergency Rental Assistance Program applications to renters and landlords across Oregon.
A release from Oregon Housing and Community Services said they processing for payment applications submitted through the Oregon Emergency Rental Assistance Program, which stopped accepting applications on March 21st. As of Tuesday, OHCS has paid out $363.36 million in emergency rental assistance to 55,656 households.
OHCS is ahead of schedule to meet the deadlines established by U.S. Treasury for federal funds and is on track to obligate by the end of June, the $100 million allocated by the Oregon Legislature during the December 2021 Special Session. Only one other state has provided a higher percentage of assistance according to the National Low- Income Housing Coalition, which ranked Oregon second in the nation in the percentage of emergency rental assistance funds paid out and obligated.
The release said the OERAP portal remains closed to new applicants. However, local-level assistance is available for applicants who meet minimum eligibility criteria from Community Action Agencies. Tenants with questions about local resources and supports can call 2-1-1 to be connected with their regional Community Action Agency.