OHA seeks public input on cost of health care

The Oregon Health Authority will hold a virtual public hearing on the impact of health care costs on Oregonians on April 8 and the organization is seeking public comment from those affected by rising health care costs.

The OHA says the meeting will highlight data on high and rising health care costs. Panels will also discuss the impacts of COVID-19 on health care costs and health plans, provider organizations, and policymakers will share efforts to address health care costs and meet the statewide health care cost growth target.

The meeting will also allow for testimony from consumers and employers about health care affordability challenges. The OHA is inviting the public to share personal stories about the high cost of health care.

To submit testimony in writing or as a public comment, send an email to HealthCare.CostTarget@dhsoha.state.or.us

The meeting will be held virtually or by phone, starting at 9 a.m. on April 8. Meeting details are listed below.

Zoom: https://www.zoomgov.com/j/1608134195?pwd=djJpMWVQRTNKZVcrUnB5MU16VkpHdz09 Meeting ID: 160 813 4195 | Passcode: 884645

Phone: One tap mobile: +16692545252,,1608134195#,,,,*884645#