March 3, 2022 3:00 a.m.

On Tuesday, Pacific Power filed a general rate case, along with its annual power cost forecast, with the Oregon Public Utility Commission.

A release from the utility said the general rate case, proposes a 6.6 percent rate adjustment, or $82.2 million, to support continued investments in wildfire mitigation strategies, vegetation management and clean energy resources, while also responding to inflationary impacts. If approved, this would be Pacific Power’s first general rate increase in nearly a decade.

The release said the company’s annual power forecast is being filed concurrently with the rate case. The initial forecast shows power costs increasing for the first time in 5 years, if approved. The proposed 5.6 percent increase for rates effective in 2023 is primarily due to inflationary pressures related to increases in wholesale electricity and natural gas commodity prices.

Later this year, Pacific Power plans to work with the commission to develop an on-bill rate discount to support customers who are experiencing income restraints. This will be separate from the current rate process to allow for faster adoption of the proposed rate discount, enabling the utility to mitigate the impact of the proposed rate increase for the most vulnerable community members.

The release said the public review process for a general rate case can take up to 10 months. During that time, the public can provide input on the filing. To learn more, go to: