January 17, 2022 9:40 a.m.

Douglas County government is honoring longtime senior dining site volunteer, Louise Christensen.

Called, “Queen of the Kitchen”, the 93-year old has helped at the Sutherlin location by preparing, packaging and serving meals for seniors in the community for nearly 20 years. Last Thursday Douglas County Senior Food Services Food Coordinator, Darla Hilburn, presented Christensen with a 19-year service award, and thanked her on behalf of the county and the Board of Commissioners.

Commissioner Tom Kress said, “Words cannot begin to express my sincere gratitude for all the work our senior volunteers provide at our Senior Dining Sites”

A release said Christensen has performed nearly every volunteer job available at the Sutherlin dining site. She moved to Sutherlin in 2003 and immediately began giving back to the community by volunteering at the Sutherlin senior dining site. She has also volunteered at St. Vincent DePaul and St. Francis Catholic Church.

The Sutherlin Senior Dining Site has 12 volunteers and prepares about 100 meals per day on Tuesdays and Thursdays for both the curbside pick-up service and Meals on Wheels delivery service. They also prepare about 50 meals on Friday for curbside pickup service.

Douglas County Senior Services operates seven senior dining sites in rural areas including Glendale, Glide, Riddle, Reedsport, Sutherlin, Winston and Yoncalla. They provide about 73,000 meals a year to seniors.

To volunteer or get more information, call 440-3677.