November 23, 2021 3:50 a.m.

The Oregon Department of Education launched a new test to stay protocol for Oregon Schools.

An ODE release said it allows students to attend in person as well as extracurricular activities, with certain restrictions, as long as they test negative. The program means students and staff can participate in in-person learning as safely as possible while lessening the burden of quarantine on students and their families, teachers and school administrators.

ODE Director Colt Gill said “We know the critical importance that school attendance has on student success”. Gill said using the test as part of a layered set of protocols in schools will keep students and educators in classrooms, maximizing the days spent in school “…learning, growing and thriving”. Gill said if a person is vaccinated and exposed to COVID-19, they do not have to take a COVID-19 test to stay in school, or quarantine.

ODE said the test to stay protocol is an option available for all Oregon schools to administer. Tests are offered at no cost to participants. Student participation requires the permission of a parent or guardian.

Details from ODE are available at: https://www.oregon.gov/ode/students-and-family/healthsafety/Pages/COVID19.aspx