September 22, 2021 3;40 a.m.

Umpqua Watersheds will have their 37th annual Umpqua River Clean-up Day this Saturday.

Volunteers are asked to help clean up the shores of the Umpqua River from the headwaters to the sea.

Due to the pandemic, people will not be meeting or gathering in large groups to pick up trash. Those wanting to help are asked to take their own bag to a nearby river area and pick up trash there. Umpqua Watersheds said there is a lot of trash that needs to be removed before the high water comes. Doing so will help keep the ocean clean and protect fish and wildlife.

Umpqua Watersheds has coordinators around the Umpqua Valley that can give people more information about how to help or where garbage can go after the clean-up. Call Umpqua Watersheds at 672-7065 or go to: https://umpquawatersheds.org/event/river-cleanup-day-2/ for more information.