September 21, 2021 3:30 a.m.

The Roseburg VA Health Care System is holding designated drive through or walk-in influenza vaccine clinics.

A release said all federal and local policies and procedures for COVID-19 protection are being implemented to decrease infection risk and optimize the safety of veterans and employees. The clinics are for eligible and enrolled veterans in VA health care.

Drive through clinics are taking place Mondays through Thursdays through October 7th and this Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in Building 1 at the Roseburg VA. Walk-in clinics are being held Tuesdays through Thursdays and on Saturdays through October 7th at the Eugene VA Health Care Center. Times of the day vary by weekday. Clinics are also happening at the Eugene VA Downtown Clinic, and the VA clinics in North Bend and Brookings.

Call the Roseburg VA at 440-1000 for more information.