September 18, 2021 11:00 a.m. 

The Devil’s Knob Complex is now at 69,301 acres.

The latest update from the Rocky Mountain Type I Incident Management Team said on Friday, firefighters were prepared for active fire behavior, which did manifest, and resulted in several spot fires in the northeastern and northern perimeter of the Smith Fire. Crews were able to engage spot fires with the support of helicopters dropping water, hose lays, and an extended shift.

Saturday, crews will be working the uncontained edges of both fires as weather permits. Firefighters will remain attentive to road conditions, as rainy weather may lead to slick roads, muddy conditions and rock and tree fall hazards.

The Smith Fire is now listed at 48,443 acres and 28 percent contained. The Big Hamlin Fire is now 92 percent contained and 19,363 acres.