July 22, 2021 2:00 p.m. 

Officials with the City of Roseburg are recognizing the passing of State Representative Gary Leif.

A release said that over the years, “Rep. Leif has served this city, county and state well”. The release said many will remember him as a long-time photographer who became a Douglas County commissioner and a state legislator. The City release said “prior to entering politics, Rep. Leif spent countless hours helping downtown Roseburg, making downtown a better place for all, and he also served on various City commissions. Rep. Leif had a heart for serving his community and wanted it to be a better place for everyone”.

Mayor Larry Rich said “I got to know Gary extremely well in the last 6 months when he called me to inform me about his health issues and asked me to be his communications director”. Rich said due to Leif’s battle with cancer, he needed someone to attend the meetings and speak on his behalf. Rich said he was more than willing to do that. Rich said, “I had the opportunity to watch Gary perform his duties and saw his dedication in serving the district”. Rich said one of Leif’s strengths was his ability to work with anyone, regardless of party affiliation. Rich said, “Even though he was dealing with a terminal illness, he kept focused on serving to the end of the session and doing what was best for the district”.

Rich said “We are proud and thankful for his service. It’s a sad day for Douglas County”.