December 22, 2020 9:50 a.m.

4,475 health care workers in Oregon were vaccinated in the first week of the Oregon Health Authority’s COVID-19 immunization program.

The new data is part of a new public health dashboard showing the status of the vaccination effort in Oregon: https://public.tableau.com/profile/oregon.health.authority.covid.19#!/vizhome/OregonCOVID-19VaccinationTrends/OregonStatewideVaccinationTrends

OHA said the dashboard will provide updates on the number of people partially and fully vaccinated, along with key demographic information showing race, ethnicity, sex and age of everyone that has been immunized.

Information by county will be provided as well.

OHA said the United States, and states like Oregon, currently do not have enough vaccine to immunize everyone against COVID-19. Currently the only people prioritized to receive the vaccine are health care workers, and people who live or work in long-term care facilities, such as skilled nursing facilities.

As of Monday, the state has received 35,100 doses of Phizer-BioNTech vaccine, with another 25,350 doses scheduled to arrive sometime this week.

OHA said Oregon also expects to receive an allocation of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine, which received Emergency Use Authorization from the federal government over the weekend. No shipments of that vaccine have arrived in Oregon, as of yet.

OHA Director Patrick Allen said a COVID-19 vaccination “…is the safest, most effective and most reliable way to keep yourself, your family and your community healthy and safe from COVID-19”. Allen said he hopes every Oregonian will get the vaccine once its available, and when it’s their turn.