July 24, 2020 3:35 a.m. 

The Douglas Forest Protective Association has increased the fire danger to high on all 1.6 million acres of private, county, state, Bureau of Land Management and Bureau of Indian Affairs land within the Douglas District.

The Industrial Fire Precaution Level will remain at IFPL2.

Kyle Reed of DFPA said under its Public Use Restrictions, a high fire danger rating changes the shutdown times for several activities for the general public. These activities are now prohibited between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.:

*The cutting, trimming or mowing of dried or cured grass. This restriction does not apply to the mowing of green lawns or for the commercial culture and harvest of agricultural crops.

*The cutting, grinding, or welding of metal for non-industrial purposes.

*The use of power saws for non-industrial purposes.

*Any non-industrial improvement or development taking place on private property that utilizes power driven machinery not specifically mentioned in the Public Use Restrictions.

Reed said all other restrictions remain in effect and unchanged. A complete list of DFPA’s Public Use Restrictions can be found at www.dfpa.net or by calling the 24-hour information hotline at 672-0379.

Reed said residents should remember that additional restrictions or closures may be in place through private industrial landowners or public land management agencies on the lands they own and manage.