April 29, 2020 9:15 a.m.
A group of geese crossing the roadway led to power pole damage on Tuesday morning.
A report from Roseburg Police said just after 11:00 a.m. a 69-year old man was headed south on Old Melrose when a truck stopped in front of him due to the geese. The man was distracted and when he saw the stopped truck, it was too late for him to stop in time.
The report said the man locked up his brakes, and swerved off the roadway, missing the other vehicle but striking the power pole dead center with his pickup. The impact caved in the entire front of the rig, totaling it in the process. The impact was hard enough that it fractured the base of the pole and one of the upper supports for the power lines.
The driver was uninjured. Pacific Power responded to replace the damaged pole.