March 13, 2020 3:55 a.m.
In response to an order issued Thursday by Governor Kate Brown due to the evolving COVID-19 situation, the Roseburg Public Schools have implemented a number of restrictions that will be in place through April 10th.
Due to the order:
*Roseburg will change spring parent conferences from in-person meetings to ones being held on the phone.
*Field trips, assemblies, and parent group meetings have been postponed for the time period.
*Practices are permitted for band, choir and drama students, but all performances are postponed.
*Student athletes will continue to practice, but all competitions or games are postponed.
*Staff professional development meetings are postponed.
Superintendent Jared Cordon said he acknowledges that these measures might be disappointing for students and families and said district officials share in that disappointment. However, he said “the safety of students and staff remains our top priority”.
Cordon said the district is distributing information to students and families about preventative measures than can be taken to help avoid these illnesses. He said the district’s custodial staff is using a hospital-grade disinfectant to clean and disinfect high- touch surfaces areas throughout the schools. That includes door knobs, handrails and countertops. The Nutrition Services Department has suspended salad bar service during meals. Students are being served fruits and vegetables directly from a food service employee behind the serving line. Cordon said the use of community supplies like shared pencil containers in classrooms is being decreased. The district is emphasizing the importance of students staying home when they are ill.
Cordon said additional measures being instituted this week include the use of social distancing measures in classrooms. Students may be asked to sit farther apart when possible. People should avoid shaking hands and touching each other for the time being. Students or staff who are coughing or sneezing at school will be asked to go home. Custodial staff are planning intensive, targeted cleaning at all schools now and over Spring Break.