December 23, 2019 3:35 a.m.
Douglas County Commissioner Tim Freeman was recently re-elected as President of the Association of Oregon and California Counties.
In addition to Freeman, Coos County Commissioner Bob Main was re-elected as vice-president and Polk County Commissioner Craig Pope was re-elected as Secretary/Treasurer.
Freeman said “I am honored to do this crucially important work” and said he appreciated the continued support of the members of AOCC. Freeman said together with his colleagues and the staff at the organization, “we are working hard to secure solutions to manage our unique congressional designated lands”.
A release from AOCC said it represents the O&C lands in 18 western Oregon counties which host 2.1 million acres of O&C timberlands managed by the Bureau of Land Management. The release said it advocates for sustained yield management of O&C lands, as required under the federal O&C Act, to “protect and support jobs and local economies, county services, and healthy timber land”.
The annual meeting was held in Roseburg on December 13th.