Photo credit: NR file photo
December 13, 2019 3:55 a.m.
The D.R. Johnson Memorial Timber Truckers Light Parade is Saturday night.
The highway between Riddle and Myrtle Creek is expected to light up with hundreds of thousands of lights for the 26th annual event. Big crowds are expected to line the streets with cocoa and bonfires as they wait for the parade which is scheduled to begin at 5:00 p.m.
The first parade began in 1993 in John Day. When D.R. Johnson moved his company to Riddle the next year, the parade moved as well. It later merged with the Myrtle Creek Winter Festival.
Visitors can gather in downtown Myrtle Creek for food and drink prior to the parade. Chili, hot chocolate and cookies will be served in the parking lot of Village Realty on South Main Street throughout the evening.
The parade takes about 90 minutes to go from D.R. Johnson in Riddle to downtown Myrtle Creek. Participants will include several logging companies, the Douglas Forest Protective Association, fire departments in south county, local churches, schools and more.