Photo credit: Wildlife Safari
December 13, 2019 10:50 a.m. 
A grand opening celebration for the new Cheryl Ford Center was held Thursday afternoon at Wildlife Safari.
The community and education space recently opened following a remodel of what had been the theater, located inside the Safari Village.
Contributors, key supporters and local public officials attended the event. The center is the culmination of 3 years of hard work, fundraising, and construction, according to a release from the non-profit game park near Winston. Executive Director Dan Van Slyke said that due to help from the Ladies Auxiliary’s annual auction and fundraiser, along with support from foundations and donors, and special input from Cheryl Ford, just over $554,000 was raised to complete the project.
Van Slyke said the transformation involved taking out a sloped floor and lecture-style seating and turning it into “a beautiful banquet room”. Next to the room is a covered patio with a manicured lawn, which can be seen through a large glass window. Van Slyke said the center can hold up to 200 people and more if the natural indoor/outdoor space is utilized.
Marketing Director Jacob Schlueter said the space will also serve as a new educational hub for Safari camps and classes. He said they will be able to host overnight events, bigger and more frequent classes for children of all ages and more.
Each group that rents the facility will have built-in animal interactions, access to the park’s 600-acre drive-through and other unique options.
Van Slyke said the Cheryl Ford Center was made possible in part by contributions from Cheryl and Allyn Ford, The Ford Family Foundation, Lynne Engle, Jeff and Amber Leaptrott, Michael and Barbara Coen, Roseburg Honda, Lauren and Dena Young, Starfire Lumber Company, the Cow Creek Band of Umpqua Tribe of Indians, Toby and Christina Luther, Dr. Stewart & Sharon Wilson, along with countless other community supporters.