December 3, 2019 4:00 a.m.
Wildlife Safari is celebrating Giving Tuesday and encouraging supporters to help the game park in Winston.
Marketing Director Jacob Schlueter said the event is “a great way to share in the mission of the non-profits people are passionate about”.
To mark the day, Wildlife Safari’s #MoreThanWildlife campaign hopes to showcase some of the community engagement events that the park holds each year.
That includes Dreamnight, held in August. Executive Director Dan Van Slyke said Dreamnight brings kids from all over the region who are dealing with terminal and chronic illnesses. Van Slyke said the event gives the kids and their families totally stress-free fun.
The Day of Discovery welcomes handicapped people from all over the state to enjoy a worry-free day. Other events include Wildlights and Zoobilee, which Van Slyke said are ways to better engage the public into the life-long mission to know and preserve wildlife.
To make a donation on Giving Tuesday, go to www.wildlifesafari.net.
Dan Van Slyke will talk more about Wildlife Safari on Inside Douglas County Tuesday at 12:30 p.m. on News Radio 1240 KQEN.