November 26, 2019 4:50 a.m.
Officials are urging residents in southern Oregon to be prepared for the coming storm and be ready to have delays and poor driving conditions.
Douglas County Emergency Manager Wayne Stinson said he is concerned by the lack of individual preparedness by local residents. Stinson said the coming storm has the potential to cause power outages and travel related issues. Stinson said there are not enough road crews, firefighters, medics, law enforcement and other emergency personnel to meet all needs when wide spread emergencies or disasters occur. He said individuals must take responsibility for themselves, their family, and their community. Stinson said everyone should have an emergency kit with two weeks of food, water and other necessary supplies.
Oregon Department of Transportation District Manager Jerry Marmon said travel Tuesday into Wednesday is forecast to be the worst with conditions improving for Thanksgiving Day. Marmon said on the south coast wind gusts of more than 75 miles per hour are predicted. Blizzard conditions with low snow levels will plague those who attempt to drive in the mountain passes, according to Marmon.
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