November 25, 2019 3:50 a.m.
Douglas County government is preparing for a closure on Thursday in observance of the Thanksgiving Day holiday.
That means the courthouse, Justice Building, transfer station, landfill, fairgrounds, museum and all external County offices will be shuttered.
A release from the Board of Commissioners said that some departments will be closed, have limited hours, or will be lightly staffed on Friday, the day after Thanksgiving.
Senior dining sites, and the Meals on Wheels program in Glendale, Glide, Yoncalla, Reedsport, Sutherlin, Riddle and Winston, will be closed both Thursday and Friday. Dining sites will resume serving meals on Tuesday December 3rd. Patrons who need meals for Thursday and Friday are asked to request an extra meal during their visit or delivery on Tuesday.
While government offices are closed, public safety employees will still be working over the holiday.