November 8, 2019 3:45 a.m.
Business Champions for Kids, also known as Biz4Kids, has announced the official launch of its program which is intended to encourage businesses to adopt family-friendly practices in an effort to support early childhood development.
According to the website the effort is sponsored by the Ford Family Foundation, the Oregon Community Foundation, and the Douglas Education Service District.
A release said Biz4Kids has spent the past year and a half working with pilot companies to develop the new program and prepare for its launch throughout Douglas County. Pilot companies, including i.e. Engineering, Ford Family Foundation, Umpqua Dairy, and Douglas Education Service District, have been planning and implementing family-friendly policies, practices and activities.
Julie Hurley, Biz4Kids program coordinator said “these employers have already derived meaningful, value-added information about their workplaces through their participation in this program”. She said through their hard work and dedication, these companies have “paved the way for more businesses and organizations to take the leap with our program”.
The release said Biz4Kids seeks to raise awareness among the business community that an investment in early childhood has a high return, including lower incarceration rates, increased productivity and a healthier workforce. The release said that by supporting employees with children, particularly ages birth to 5, employers can make a lasting difference in their communities.
Examples of family-friendly policies and activities include flexible work schedules, supportive leadership, childcare support, and access to early learning resources.
The Biz4Kids program allows employers to choose from a series of participation levels appropriate for a wide variety of business types and organizations. The three levels include: Certified Family Friendly Organizations, Early Childhood Advocates, and Business Partners.
The release said with participation comes a variety of benefits such as marketing collateral, resources and support, networking opportunities, research data and consultations.
For more information go to
Julie Hurley will talk more about the effort on Inside Douglas County Friday at 12:30 p.m. on News Radio 1240 KQEN.