November 5, 2019 10:00 a.m.
The South Umpqua School District will host three community listening sessions to receive feedback about the district and how future funding from the Student Success Act should be used.
Superintendent Kate McLaughlin said the Act will have a huge effect on public education in the district, and its important that she hear from community members regarding what they believe is best for students.
McLaughlin said that from grades in the classroom to graduation rates, “the Student Success Act is going to help our students in the community for a long time”. She said that parents “know best what their children need, so whether they wish to share opinions or new ideas, we want to hear from them”.
The meetings will be held:
*Tuesday November 12th at Myrtle Creek Elementary
*Wednesday November 13th at Tri-City Elementary
*Thursday November 14th at Canyonville School
Each meeting will run from 6:00 p.m. to 7:15 p.m.
School districts are required to apply for funding available through the Student Success Act and must engage their community in a needs assessment process prior to the application process. Funding from the Student Investment Account can be used for reducing class size, increasing instructional time, addressing health and safety needs and ensuring a well-rounded education.
Call the South Umpqua School District for more information on the listening sessions.