October 28,2019 3:35 a.m.
The Douglas County Board of Commissioners in conjunction with the County’s Parks Department, Forestry Division and the Risk Management Division have received the Oregon Recreation and Parks Association’s 2019 SDIS Safety Excellence Award.
A release from County government said the award honors an individual, organization or program that has demonstrated a unique commitment to improving or enhancing safety in park and recreation facilities or activities.
The SDIS Safety Award which is sponsored by the Special Districts Insurance Service, was presented to Parks Director Rocky Houston at the OPRA Annual Conference Awards Luncheon held in Portland on October 16th.
The release said the OPRA selected Douglas County for the award for its concerted efforts to address safety in County parks and campgrounds with its hazard tree removal projects this year. The award recognizes efforts to keep citizens safe, along with compliance with permitting, state regulations, risk management and a public awareness promotion.
Commissioner Chris Boice said the Board “appreciate the hard work these Departments are doing”. He said the bottom line is that the Parks Department “is significantly improving, thanks to the cooperative efforts of our team, which we fully support”. He said the award is a “testament to their dedication and continued quest for excellence”.