photo provided by Roseburg Police
October 24, 2019 10:00 a.m.
The Friends of the Umpqua Valley Police K9 Programs has a grant opportunity and local supporters can help.
Aftermath, Specialists in Trauma Cleaning & Biohazard Removal, is offering a grant for K9 program. This grant has never been received in Oregon and the local Friends group would like to see this area placed on the map. The local K9 programs have fundraisers to keep the programs thriving. There are many costs associated with the programs, and this grant, if obtained, could help maintain current programs and assist with equipment purchases, training and more.
Supporters can go to https://www.aftermath.com/k9-grant and vote for the Friends of the Umpqua Valley Police K9 Programs. The supporter’s name and email address must be added for the vote to count. Supporters can vote once every 24 hours.
The Friends of Umpqua Police K9 Programs is a non-profit group that raises money to help Roseburg Police, Winston Police, and Douglas County Sheriff canine teams.