October 21, 2019 3:25 a.m.
The Douglas County Tax Office will mail out the 2019-2020 property tax statements this week and property owners on average will pay 5 percent more than they did in 2018.
A release from the Assessor’s Office said the changes that property owners will note on their tax bills this year include:
*Elkton School District passed a bond to replace a bond that expired this year.
*Winston-Dillard School District passed a second bond as the existing bond will not expire until June of 2020.
*There is a new Urban Renewal Plan area for the City of Roseburg
*The City of Myrtle Creek created an Urban Renewal Plan
Property owners will be billed $108 million, up from last year’s $103 million. Funds will be distributed to 117 taxing districts. The County’s share will be $10.9 million, which is up nearly 5 percent from last year.
The release said a review of 16 residential homes throughout the county shows an average increase of 7% in real market values, while assessed values only increased by 3%.
Property owners who have questions or concerns about their assessment can contact the Assessor’s Office at 440-4222.
Dissatisfied taxpayers can appeal their assessment to the Board of Property Tax Appeals by the end of the calendar year. Appeals hearings are held in February.