October 21, 2019 3:15 a.m.
On Friday, Congressman Peter DeFazio slammed the Trump administration for moving ahead on Liquified Natural Gas by-rail rulemaking despite what he claimed was a lack of information about the risk to public safety.
DeFazio, Chair of the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure, responded to the announcement from the U.S. Department of Transportation.
DeFazio said he has “been sounding the alarm on moving LNG by rail ever since President Trump issued an executive order in April”. He said shipping hazardous materials by rail should be a careful and deliberative process, supported by science and evidence, with adequate protections in place for the communities where LNG is traveling. DeFazio said the results of the order by President Trump
“could be catastrophic”.
DeFazio said the plan would “put a dangerous liquid in old tank cars without sufficient testing, analysis or reviews”. He said it would put pose a major risk to the health and safety of communities across the nation.
The release from DeFazio said in June, the House passed his amendment to prohibit DOT from finalizing the rule. DeFazio said he is urging his Senate colleagues to “follow suit before its too late”.