October 15, 2019 4:40 a.m.
The Roseburg City Council approved a library policy update during its meeting Monday night.
Councilors heard from Library Director Kris Wiley. She said staff sees the need for the addition of a Teacher Library Card. It would be available for full-time teachers and school media staff who work with students between kindergarten and grade 12 in the Roseburg School District, and in private schools that are within the geographical boundary of the District, but who live outside the Roseburg city limits. A Student Library Card is already available for students who live inside the District, but outside of the City.
Wiley also asked that student cardholders be able to place a maximum of ten items on hold simultaneously, regardless of material type and format. Mayor Larry Rich asked if many people place items on hold, and Wiley said they do. She said the library often has only one copy of a book, so if its already checked out it can be placed on hold so another reader can be sure to get it next.
The resolution to update the policy passed on a unanimous vote. Wiley thanked councilors for their support of the library and said it is being used by an average of 400 to 500 people per day. The Roseburg Public Library opened last December. It had been the headquarters branch of the Douglas County Library System and was shuttered for about a year and a half until the City of Roseburg took over operations. The Douglas Education Service District uses part of the building for offices and helps with some areas of operating the library and paying for part of the facility’s costs.