October 11, 2019 3:50 a.m.
A community disaster preparedness meeting will take place in Glide on October 22nd.
The Glide Rural Fire Protection District and the Glide Community Club have partnered to host the event.
In light of “Snowmageddon 2019”, the evening is designed to share information so residents can be better prepared for the next major weather event, power outage, or other similar situation.
A panel of officials who have responsibility for disaster response will provide information about their respective roles and responsibilities. Handout materials will be available for those attending to take home so they can begin preparations.
The panel will include:
*Douglas County Emergency Manager Wayne Stinson
*Glide Fire Chief Ted Damewood
*Douglas County Community Emergency Response Team member Gail Young
*American Red Cross Volunteer Services volunteer Donda King
The evening will be the first event in a process which will be ongoing. Organizers said a strategic plan process will include an inventory of emergency and disaster related resources in the Glide and Idleyld Park area, plus identification of major risks and threats, and a look at critical infrastructure services that need to be developed. The group will also consider strategies to finance, secure and put the needed resources and services into place.
The meeting will run from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. and will be held at the Glide Community Center. Call 496-0224 for more information.