October 8, 2019 4:00 p.m. 
4th District Congressman Peter DeFazio said he fully supports House committees drafting articles of impeachment against President Trump.
DeFazio released a statement Tuesday afternoon in response to a letter from the White House which said it would not participate in the impeachment inquiry.
In a strongly worded statement, DeFazio said “the president has admitted to an impeachable offense – soliciting assistance from a foreign leader to interfere with U.S. elections and aid his political campaign”. DeFazio said President Trump has violated his oath of office to protect and defend the Constitution and “betrayed the American people”. DeFazio said “since he admitted his offense, and despite his ongoing efforts to obstruct justice and the impeachment investigation, further evidence has mounted against the president”.
DeFazio continued saying “his brazen and reckless actions threaten our national security and the very foundation of our democracy”. He said he hoped for prompt consideration of articles of impeachment in the House.
An eight-page letter sent Tuesday to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and top House officials from Counsel to the President, Pat Cipollone said President Trump cannot participate in what he called a “partisan and unconstitutional inquiry”.