October 2, 2019 10:30 a.m.
Umpqua Community College is preparing to host a group of educators from Ukraine as part of a program called Open World.
A UCC release said the delegates mission is to study best practices for medical education while they are here between October 12th and 19th. The group will also participate in a variety of campus and community events during their stay.
The delegation of Ukrainian University and government professionals consists of five people who will be accompanied by a bicultural facilitator and an interpreter. During their time in Roseburg, the delegates will meet local medical educators, health services students, and service providers. Additional activities include a visit to Oregon Health Sciences University, the OMSI Science Center and a trip to the Oregon coast. The delegation will stay with local families who serve as hospitality hosts.
The Open World Leadership Center is an agency of the U.S. Congress. Prior to arriving in Roseburg, the participants will complete an orientation in Washington D.C. which will include policy meetings with members of Congress, including staff with Senator Jeff Merkley and Representative Peter DeFazio.
More than 29,000 current and future leaders from post-Soviet era countries have participated in the Open World program, according to the UCC release.