October 1, 2019 3:40 a.m.
Flags are flying at half-staff Tuesday at Umpqua Community College as the school holds its annual Day of Remembrance to reflect on the events of October 1st, 2015.
A release from the college said a tribute to those lost and survivors will also be displayed around the campus flag pole from sunrise to sunset.
Starting at 10:00 a.m. a private event for UCC staff and students, affected family members and the law enforcement community will take place on the campus grounds. UCC President Dr. Debra Thatcher said she understands there will always be community interest in the event but she emphasized that it is “for those directly impacted by the 10/1 events”. She said out of respect for those who choose to participate, the school is asking people to “give them the distance and respect they deserve”.
UCC has also updated its permanent webpage called “We Will Always Remember”. It was created to serve as a virtual memorial to acknowledge and honor those lost and affected by the events that took place at UCC on October 1st, 2015. Go to www.umpqua.edu/we-remember for more information.