October 1, 2019 3:30 a.m.
The Douglas County Transportation District is considering a name change.
Board Chair Mike Baker told News Radio 1240 KQEN that many people still confuse the district with being part of Douglas County government even though the it has become a separate entity. The district formally took over operations of the transportation program this past summer. The process began after Douglas County Commissioners adopted the final order to form the new district in September of last year.
Baker said some people believe the district is responsible for all modes of transportation. He said while under statute, it is officially a transportation District, public transportation is all it handles. That includes UTrans bus service and the Dial-a-Ride programs.
Baker said the proposed name is “Umpqua Public Transportation District”.
The public hearing will be Monday October 14th at 5:30 p.m. and will be held at the Veterans of Foreign Wars on Walnut Street in Roseburg. Those wanting more information about the proposal can call the District at 440-6500.