September 26, 2019 10:00 a.m.
Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing is having a Healing Saturday event this weekend.
It will be held from 11:00 a.m.to 3:00 p.m. at Sportsman’s Warehouse.
The organization began as a single program helping wounded service members at Walter Reed Army Medical Center in 2005. A release from the organization said it has enjoyed sustained growth over its 14- year existence as well as continued growth in the number of programs and participants through its unique brand of healing. Over 8,300 participants were served by over 4,000 volunteers in 2018, with over 220 programs in nearly 50 states, plus Germany with affiliates in Australia as well.
The local Umpqua PHWFF program in Roseburg began in 2015 and now includes 35-40 veterans that regularly participate. The group teaches fly-tying, fly-rod building, fly-casting, fly-fishing education and provides fly-fishing events for them at no cost.
Saturday there will be fly-casting demonstrations in front of the store in conjunction with fly-tying and fly-rod building demonstrations inside the store. These events are free for veterans as well. The public and community members who might want to volunteer with the group are also invited.
Donations can be made at the event and also through the link on the group’s Facebook page.
For more information about the organization go to http://facebook.com/PHWFFUmpquaProgram.