September 25, 2019 9:20 a.m.
The YMCA of Douglas County will dedicate recent racquetball renovations in memory of Mike Bergstrand on Thursday night.
A release from the YMCA said when Bergstrand passed away in September of 2018, his fellow YMCA racquetball players began planning to memorialize him with something special at the YMCA facility in Roseburg. Bergstrand, a retired police officer and firefighter, had served as a YMCA board member and Annual Campaign volunteer for over 25 years. He chaired the Facility and Property Committee, and was known as a self-appointed ambassador for the Y. From its inception in 2006, Bergstrand was involved as a volunteer with Camp Shriver, now known as the YMCA Partner-Sports Camp.
The release said during renovation for the new YMCA locker rooms and pool, the second-floor viewing area for the three courts had to be eliminated. So, a plan was put into place to install large windows in each of the courts. Not only has the installation allowed spectators to easily watch games in play, it has opened up the hallway and encouraged new players to try the game, according to the release.
Former colleagues, racquetball opponents, Y members, family and friends are invited to attend the dedication to celebrate Bergstrand’s years of service as a YMCA volunteer.
The dedication will begin at 6:00 p.m.
For more information about the YMCA, go to www.ymcaofdouglascounty.com.