September 3, 2019 3:25 a.m.
Days Creek Charter School will participate in a Safe Routes to School Walk Audit and Community Meeting on Wednesday.
A release from the school said Days Creek Charter recently received funding from the Oregon Department of Transportation Safe Routes to School Project Identification Process. The money is for creating a Safe Routes to School Plan to identify how to improve streets near the school to support families in getting to school safely. The release said the plan will also outline opportunities for education and encouragement events to promote walking and biking to school. Planners from Alta Planning + Design active transportation planning consulting firm will be leading the planning process.
The release said an audit will identify the walking and biking opportunities and challenges around the school area. Alta planners, school leadership, roadway authority representatives, and family members will document conditions that may discourage walking and biking to school, and work to identify solutions to those challenges.
The Days Creek Charter Walk Audit will begin at 3:30 p.m. at the flagpole in front of the school. Students, parents, teachers, and other community members are invited to participate. Following the walk audit there will be a community meeting in room 215 to brainstorm improvements for walking and biking to school and to discuss opportunities for education and encouragement.
For more information contact Days Creek Charter School at 825-3296.