August 30, 2019 4:00 a.m.
Fire officials with the Douglas Forest Protective Association are on high alert for human caused fires over the Labor Day weekend.
Kyle Reed said while temperatures have moderated throughout the Umpqua Valley, the fire danger remains “High” on all DFPA protected lands, due to dry forest fuels. Reed is asking everyone to be cautious this weekend, whether they are having a backyard barbecue, or heading to a lake for a weekend camping trip.
Reed said campfires pose a major threat of wildfires this time of year as it only takes one spark landing in dry vegetation to start a new wildfire. Currently campfires are only allowed within DFPA designated campgrounds. Portable cooking stoves using liquified or bottled fuels are allowed elsewhere.
Reed said that throughout the years, fires have been ignited from wheel bearings going out, flat tires, dragging chains, and vehicle malfunctions. He said often drivers didn’t realize there was a problem until multiple fires were started over a distance of a mile or more. Vehicles driving through wildland areas must stay on improved roads that are free of flammable vegetation.
Those staying home to catch up on yard work are still in danger of starting a wildfire. Lawnmowers, weed eaters and chainsaws can easily start a fire this time of year. Under DFPA’s Public Use Restrictions, the mowing of dead or dry grass and the use of chainsaws for non-industrial purposes are currently allowed before 10:00 a.m. or after 8:00 p.m. All backyard debris burning including debris piles and burn barrels, remains prohibited.
A list of designated campgrounds along with complete information on all the current fire restrictions are posted at