August 20, 2019 3:40 a.m.
Officials with the FISH Food Pantry will hold a ribbon cutting and celebration for a newly completed renewable energy project at the facility just north of Roseburg next Tuesday August 27th.
The FISH release said representatives from Pacific Power, which helped to fund the installation through a Blue Sky funding award, will participate in the celebration along with representatives of the Energy Trust of Oregon and First Interstate BancSystem Foundation, who also helped to provide project funding.
The release said the project involves a new roof mounted solar photovoltaic power system installation. It consists of 45 Oregon made solar panels divided among the west and south facing roof slopes of the FISH Food Pantry building. The project is expected to make a significant impact for FISH by reducing its electricity needs by about 40 percent.
Nis Jesson, board president for The FISH said the agency is excited to model how smaller renewable energy projects like this can make a difference in the local community. He said by generating their own power, FISH will be able to free up more of its budget to focus on their core mission of assisting in reducing hunger within Douglas County. Jesson said Blue Sky participants provided about 70% of the funding needed for the project.
Construction on the new solar power system began in June after The FISH of Roseburg were notified of the grant. The project’s contractor completed installation in July and the project began generating power on July 30th.
The celebration will get started at 10:30 a.m. For more information go to www.fishofroseburg.org.