July 31, 2019 10:30 a.m.
Umpqua Health has announced that it will be consolidating its clinics.
Kat Cooper said the Newton Creek Clinic will absorb the Harvard Clinic, which is currently on West Harvard. Chief Clinical Officer Dr. Layne Jorgenson said he believes the move will be “a positive move for our patients”. He said whether patients need to access primary care, pediatrics, behavioral health or urgent care services, they will be able to come to one location.
Cooper said the Harvard location will be transitioned to the Newton Creek clinic by August 23rd. She said patient access and clinical capacity will be largely maintained and the clinical footprint in the Newton Creek Facility will expand to the second floor.
Brent Eichman, Umpqua Health CEO said “the vision is to make it easier for people in Douglas County to access the care they need when they need it”. He said this is the next step in realizing that vision. Eichman said that by consolidating the clinics, all of Umpqua Health’s clinical services will be under one roof, which he said will help patients to better navigate their care.
Cooper said anyone with questions about the move can call Umpqua Health Newton Creek at 229-7038.