National Weather Service shows the gray area under the air quality advisory
July 29, 2019 11:30 a.m.
Southern Douglas County is now part of an Air Quality Advisory that has been extended by the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality.
The advisory is due to smoke from the Milepost 97 Fire south of Canyonville. It was originally issued on Friday and also includes Josephine, Jackson and Klamath counties. Curry County was part of the Friday advisory but is not part of the extension. The latest advisory is expected to be in place for the next several days and possibly longer. DEQ and partner agencies are reassessing conditions every few days according to the release.
Consistent smoke in the moderate to unhealthy range is expected in these areas. People who are sensitive to smoke should consider leaving the area until conditions improve. A temporary air quality monitor is being set up in Glendale to provide a clearer understanding of conditions in southern Douglas County.
Smoke can irritate people’s eyes and lungs and can worsen some medical conditions. Small children, adults over age 65, pregnant women and people with heart disease, asthma or other respiratory conditions are particularly vulnerable, according to the release.
People can take precautions to protect their health during periods of severe smoke:
*Stay inside if possible and avoid strenuous outdoor activity.
*Be aware of the smoke and avoid places with the highest concentrations
*Those with asthma or heart or lung disease, should follow their healthcare provider’s advice.
*Use certified HEPA filters for indoor heating, ventilation, cooling and air purification.
Check current conditions on DEQ’s Air Quality Index by going to: